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April 19, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 19, 2007
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob Drossier (V. Chair), Kristen Smith, Betsy Horne, Rick Nye, and Adam Segal

Members not in attendance:  Nick Lewis, Jeff Barz-Snell, John Hayes

Public:  Rinus Oosthoek, Roger Fruggiero

Meeting Start:  7:00 pm

Meeting minutes from the group’s meeting on March 15, 2007 were reviewed and approved with some minor edits.  

Green Up Campaign
It was discussed by the group that the City is still short of the 150 signups needed to qualify for the 2Kw solar array panel.  The last figure received was 124 and the group will continue to advocate for the signups.  Tom will email City employees again about the program and Rob will create a flyer to be handed out to local “green” businesses (that Rinus knows of) to be displayed at their stores.  Cindy would also like to start thinking about a good location for the solar array panel.  Rick thought one of the schools would be a good fit for educational purposes.  Tom said he would talk to the Mayor to get her initial thoughts on the location of the solar panel.  

Wind Turbine Project  
Rob reviewed the Municipal Wind Turbine Site Survey Application from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC).  He will finalize the information he needs to input and email to it to Tom for some final details and the Mayor’s signature.  Once completed, Tom will send it in for review to the MTC.  

Rob mentioned that the City would need to set aside some funding in next year’s budget for a feasibility study.  Roger Fruggiero, who is a member on the Plummer Home for Boys Trustees, said the Trustees would be interested in talking with the Renewable Energy Task Force about a possible wind turbine at the Plummer Home.  

The “not in my back yard” (nimby) aspects of wind turbines were then discussed.  Cindy mentioned that people at the neighborhood association meetings she has attended have seemed favorable to the idea of a wind turbine in Salem.  Kristen mentioned that a poll/survey might be a good idea to get neighbors thoughts and inputs.  Rinus concurred that surveys may be a good start.  Cindy also stated that putting together a power point presentation to present to the City Council might be a good idea to educate them and the general public.  Tom also mentioned that the Planning Department is eager to draft a wind turbine ordinance and will work to start this in the coming months.  

Hybrid Vehicle

The City’s Hybrid vehicle recently arrived and Tom shared photos of the car with the group.  The hybrid is stationed at Fire Prevention on Fort Avenue.  Tom will check with Jason, the Mayor’s Chief Administrative Aide, to see if he plans on drafting a press release about this event.  

Promoting Renewable Energy Use

Rick asked about the City’s Vehicle Use policy. Tom had stated that he and Finance Director Rich Viscay would soon be reviewing those policies to make them more efficient.  

Cindy would like to create some pamphlets or even hold forums about energy use at the Salem schools.  

Rinus had mentioned a Park & Walk program, which would require much signage in the City.    

Cindy would also like to see a case study done that could be used to educate people.  The case study, whether it’s a business or individual(s), will discuss some best practices people have been implementing in becoming more energy friendly and efficient.  Cindy will think of some good candidates and let Betsy know.  

Responsible Energy Use

Rick and Kristen both would like to know if there are any city vehicles using diesel and/or bio-diesel.  

Rob would like to know what the City is doing to lure Renewable Energy businesses to the City.  Rob also would like everyone from the group to come to the next meeting with their own favorite renewable energy idea for discussion amongst the group.  

Cindy would like to present something to the City Council by the June/July timeframe.  

Rob will check to see if a representative from SESD can attend the groups next meeting.  

Rinus said the group needs to work the idea of being a “green” city and to hold as many events and press releases as they can.  

It was mentioned that the Town of Ipswich has a nice Renewable Energy website and Rob said he would like to see an Energy Fair in Salem much like Ipswich recently had.  Rinus said he would like to help with this.  

The next meeting was set for Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 7:00 pm.    

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins